Decision Support System for Supervisor Promotion using Simple Additive Weighting at Weng Coffee Reformasi

  • Kunyek Politeknik Negeri Pontianak
  • Adi Marjani Patappa Politeknik Negeri Pontianak
  • Ichsan Politeknik Negeri Pontianak
Keywords: decision support system, job promotion, criteria, SAW


Decision Support System (DSS) is important to assist management in making decisions regarding employee job promotions. Therefore, this study uses SAW method to assist management in making more objective and measurable decisions by assigning weight values to each relevant criterion. The criteria used in this study are discipline, experience, skills, and performance. The aim of this study is to determine the weight of the criteria applied in the decision support system for promotion and to assess the results of the promotion decision-making process using the SAW method for promoting a coffee employee to supervisor at Weng Coffee Reformasi. The results of the weight values assigned to each criterion are: discipline 20%, experience 20%, skills 20%, and performance 40%. The calculation results using the SAW method show that A2 is recommended to be promoted as a supervisor at Weng Coffee, with the highest final preference value (V) of 1.0, ranking first.

How to Cite
Kunyek, Patappa, A. M., & Ichsan. (2025). Decision Support System for Supervisor Promotion using Simple Additive Weighting at Weng Coffee Reformasi. SEMAI: Journal of Scientific Exploration of Modern Agrotechnological Innovations, 1(1), 34-40. Retrieved from