Pengaruh Belanja Modal dan Wealth (Kemakmuran) terhadap Kemandirian Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Kalimantan Barat
Purpose – This research was conducted with the aim of: 1) Determine the effect of capital expenditure on regional financial independence of the Regency/City of West Kalimantan Province, 2) Determine the effect of wealth (prosperity) on regional financial independence of the Regency/City of West Kalimantan Province, and 3) Determine the effect of capital expenditure and wealth (prosperity) on regional financial independence of the Regency/City of West Kalimantan Province.
Method – The population in this study is all Regency/city governments in West Kalimantan Province, totaling 2 cities and 12 regencies. The sampling technique uses total sampling. Methods of data collection using the method of documentation and literature study. The data analysis used is panel data regression analysis.
Result – The results of the study reveal that T test for the capital expenditure variable, the prob value is obtained. 0.4562> α (0.05). This means that the large or small capital expenditure issued by the government does not affect regional financial independence. T test for the Wealth variable (prosperity), the prob value is obtained. 0.0000 <α (0.05). This means that the better prosperity in the area, the higher the regional financial independence. F test for the Capital Expenditure Variable and Wealth (Prosperity), the prob value is obtained. 0.000000 <α (0.05). This means that the increase in capital expenditure is in conjunction with an increase in wealth (prosperity) will affect the level of regional financial independence.
Implication – The implication of the study reveal that capital expenditure has no effect on Regency/City Regional Financial Independence in West Kalimantan Province, wealth/prosperity has an effect on Regency/City Regional Financial Independence in West Kalimantan Province, and capital expenditure & wealth/prosperity has an effect on Regency/City Regional Financial Independence in West Kalimantan Province.
Originality – This study uses different variables and subjects from previous studies.
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