SEMAI: Journal of Scientific Exploration of Modern Agrotechnological Innovations 2025-02-27T12:09:09+07:00 Borneo Satria Pratama Open Journal Systems <p><strong>SEMAI: Journal of Scientific Exploration of Modern Agrotechnological Innovations</strong> is an Open Access scientific journal that publishes high-quality research articles on modern innovations in agricultural technology. This journal features original articles that have not been previously published in any scientific journal, covering various fields such as agricultural and food technology, crop science, environmental sustainability, agro-industrial engineering and management, as well as education in agricultural sciences, agrotechnology, and agro-industry. SEMAI is registered with online ISSN number XXXX-XXXX &amp; Print ISSN Number XXXX-XXXX, and is published by the Department of Agricultural Technology, Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, Indonesia. This journal is published two times a year, in January and July. Authors are required to follow the Writing Guidelines and Templates provided by SEMAI: Journal of Scientific Exploration of Modern Agrotechnological Innovations.</p> Decision-Making for Product Preferences of Functional Beverages Based on Mangosteen Peel and Red Ginger Using ROC and SAW 2025-02-27T12:09:09+07:00 Sariati Borneo Satria Pratama <p>Bioflavonoids in mangosteen peel possess antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial to health, making them a potential raw material for the development of functional beverages. However, the xanthone content in mangosteen peel contributes to a bitter taste, which may reduce consumer acceptance. Therefore, component substitution with other ingredients is necessary to enhance its organoleptic quality, one of which is red ginger, known for its distinctive aroma and additional health benefits. In this study, the Rank Order Centroid (ROC) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods were implemented in the decision-making process to determine the optimal composition of a functional beverage based on mangosteen peel and red ginger. The evaluation was based on several criteria, including taste, antioxidant activity, aroma, and color. The results indicated that taste had the highest weight, followed by antioxidant activity, aroma, and color. The decision matrix normalization and preference score calculations showed that the optimal composition was 5 grams of mangosteen peel + 10 grams of red ginger + 5 grams of sugar, achieving the highest preference score (1.00). This study confirms that the ROC and SAW methods can effectively assist in data-driven decision-making for developing functional beverages that are more acceptable to consumers.</p> 2025-01-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 SEMAI: Journal of Scientific Exploration of Modern Agrotechnological Innovations Characteristics of Edible Film from Sago Starch and Glycerol as Instant Coffee Packaging 2025-02-25T10:15:14+07:00 Erika Y. Erning Indrastuti Ledy Purwandani Susana <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of glycerol that produces sago starch-based edible film used as primary packaging for single-served instant coffee with the best physicochemical and hedonic organoleptic properties. Making edible film from 4% sago starch with the addition of 0, 1, 2, and 3% glycerol. The variables observed in the edible film were water content, thickness, and solubility, while hedonic analysis of taste, aroma, color, and viscosity was carried out on instant coffee that had been packaged with sago starch-based edible film. Based on the results of the observation data, the best sago starch edible film based on the effectiveness index analysis was sago starch edible film with the addition of 1% glycerol. Edible film with a 1% glycerol addition has a water content of 17.48%, a thickness of 0.21 mm, a solubility of 81.78%. Moreover, it has a taste attribute scale of 4.00 (like), aroma 4.24 (like), color 4.08 (like), and viscosity 2.65 (neutral). Edible film without glycerol (0%) cannot be used as instant coffee packaging because it is too fragile.</p> 2025-02-25T10:12:07+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 SEMAI: Journal of Scientific Exploration of Modern Agrotechnological Innovations Application of Arbuskular Mycorrhiza and Various Doses of NPKMg Fertilizer (15:15:6:4) in Pre-Nursery Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) 2025-02-25T15:56:44+07:00 Danie Indra Yama Bertrandus Doni Muliani <p>Oil palm (<em>Elaeis guineensis</em> Jacq.) is a leading vegetable oil-producing crop in Indonesia, particularly in the Kalimantan region, which has extensive oil palm plantations. However, during the pre-nursery stage, the growth of oil palm seedlings is highly influenced by the availability of optimal nutrients. This study aims to determine the interaction effect between Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) and NPKMg (15:15:6:4) fertilizer on oil palm seedlings at the pre-nursery stage and to identify the best dosage for improving fertilization efficiency. The research was conducted in Penyalimau Village and Pontianak State Polytechnic, using a factorial randomized block design (RBD) with two factors: AMF dosage (M₀ = control, M₁ = 5 g/polybag, M₂ = 10 g/polybag, M₃ = 15 g/polybag) and NPKMg dosage (N₀ = control, N₁ = 0.5 g/polybag, N₂ = 1 g/polybag, N₃ = 1.5 g/polybag). The results showed that the combination of AMF and NPKMg did not have a significant effect on the observed growth parameters. However, applying AMF at a dose of 15 g/polybag had a positive impact on plant height growth. These findings provide preliminary information useful for optimizing oil palm pre-nursery fertilization strategies, which have the potential to enhance fertilizer efficiency and promote sustainable seedling growth.</p> 2025-02-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 SEMAI: Journal of Scientific Exploration of Modern Agrotechnological Innovations Kajian Penerapan Produksi Bersih Pada Roti Manis: Studi Kasus pada Industri Roti Al-Fazza di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan 2025-02-25T10:52:33+07:00 Auria Distrianti Dedek Agung Kurniawan Fina Lisda Rahmawati Zakiyah Aditya Wahyu Nugraha Wilda Harlia Devita <p>Industri roti menghasilkan berbagai jenis limbah seperti cangkang telur, roti kedaluwarsa, dan kulit pisang yang berpotensi mencemari lingkungan jika tidak dikelola dengan baik. Penerapan konsep produksi bersih menjadi solusi untuk mengurangi dampak negatif limbah ini dan meningkatkan efisiensi produksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di industri Al-Fazza Bakery, Lampung Selatan, untuk mengidentifikasi potensi limbah serta mengembangkan strategi pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan. Limbah cangkang telur diolah menjadi pupuk yang kaya akan kalsium, roti kedaluwarsa dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pakan ternak, dan kulit pisang dikeringkan serta dijadikan tepung pakan ternak. Hasil analisis kelayakan teknis, lingkungan, dan finansial menunjukkan bahwa metode ini mudah diterapkan, ramah lingkungan, serta memberikan keuntungan ekonomi bagi industri. Dengan investasi awal yang rendah, <em>payback period</em> untuk setiap alternatif pengolahan hanya 2 bulan. Studi ini menegaskan pentingnya pendekatan berbasis keberlanjutan dalam industri pangan, yang dapat meningkatkan efisiensi operasional dan profitabilitas, serta tanggung jawab perusahaan dalam mengelola dampak lingkungan.</p> 2025-02-25T10:44:51+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 SEMAI: Journal of Scientific Exploration of Modern Agrotechnological Innovations Decision Support System for Supervisor Promotion using Simple Additive Weighting at Weng Coffee Reformasi 2025-02-26T14:47:34+07:00 Kunyek Adi Marjani Patappa Ichsan <p>Decision Support System (DSS) is important to assist management in making decisions regarding employee job promotions. Therefore, this study uses SAW method to assist management in making more objective and measurable decisions by assigning weight values to each relevant criterion. The criteria used in this study are discipline, experience, skills, and performance. The aim of this study is to determine the weight of the criteria applied in the decision support system for promotion and to assess the results of the promotion decision-making process using the SAW method for promoting a coffee employee to supervisor at Weng Coffee Reformasi. The results of the weight values assigned to each criterion are: discipline 20%, experience 20%, skills 20%, and performance 40%. The calculation results using the SAW method show that A2 is recommended to be promoted as a supervisor at Weng Coffee, with the highest final preference value (V) of 1.0, ranking first.</p> 2025-02-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 SEMAI: Journal of Scientific Exploration of Modern Agrotechnological Innovations Decision Support System for Assistant Plantation Promotion Using SAW Method at PT. PSP 2025-02-26T14:49:14+07:00 Desvianti Dina Th Candra Wasis Agung Sutignya Dody Radiansah <p>Decision Support Systems (DSS) are essential for ensuring fairness and wisdom in the promotion process for the plantation assistant position. This study applies the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method to evaluate and select the most suitable leader foreman candidates based on three criteria: performance assessment, responsibility, and work behavior. The objectives of this research are: (1) to determine the weight assigned by the company to each criterion and (2) to select the most qualified leader foreman for promotion to the plantation assistant position. This study was conducted at PT. PSP, a company engaged in oil palm plantation. The survey involved all eight leader foremen from eight different divisions. The weighting results for each criterion are as follows: performance assessment (35%), responsibility (40%), and work behavior (25%). Based on the SAW method, the recommended candidate for promotion from leader foreman to assistant Afdeling is A8 from Afdeling VIII.</p> 2025-02-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 SEMAI: Journal of Scientific Exploration of Modern Agrotechnological Innovations The Effect of ELF Electromagnetic Radiation on Microorganism Development in The Sticky Rice Tape Production Process 2025-02-25T11:21:07+07:00 Siti Ainul Rohmah Imelda Nurma Dewi Diyah Wagis Salsabila Nanda Badruttamam Rama Dani Imeilda Bariesta Putri Kunthi Mayang Sari Puput Aprilia Eka Sari Habibah Khusna Baihaqi <p>The research purpose is to assess the effect of electromagnetic radiation or ELF on the growth and activity of microorganisms involved in the fermentation of glutinous rice for making tape ketan. The research method used involves applying ELF radiation treatment to 10 samples of tape ketan fermented by yeast microorganisms, then comparing them with 10 other samples of tape ketan that were not exposed to ELF radiation. The measurement of microbial growth is carried out using parameters such as pH, alcohol content, sensory evaluation through taste, and observing changes in appearance, odor, and flavor, as well as comparing their density. The results of the study show changes in the fermentation rate, the number of microorganisms, and the quality of the tape ketan affected by ELF radiation. Some types of microorganisms exhibit slower growth compared to tape that was not irradiated with ELF radiation.</p> 2025-02-25T11:13:33+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 SEMAI: Journal of Scientific Exploration of Modern Agrotechnological Innovations