MANFISH JOURNAL en-US (Risko, S.Si., M.Si) (Yuda Perdana Putra, S.Si.,M.Sc) Thu, 31 Oct 2024 22:34:14 +0700 OJS 60 Penggunaan Larutan Fermentasi Kulit Pisang Cavendish dan Garam Terhadap Masa Simpan Filet Nila Merah Berdasarkan Jumlah Mikroba pada Penyimpanan Suhu Rendah <p>Filet is a food ingredient that is easily damaged and spoiled, so efforts are needed to extend the shelf life of filet by preserving it using low temperature storage and natural preservatives. This research aims to determine the salt concentration in the cavendish banana peel fermentation solution that is best for the shelf life of tilapia fillets. The method used in this research was experimental with four treatments, namely soaking tilapia filets in a fermented solution of cavendish banana peel with a salt concentration of 0%, 2%, 3% and 4% for 30 minutes, then storing at low temperature (5-10̊C). Observations of fillets treated with 0% salt concentration were carried out on days 1, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of storage, while fillets treated with salt concentrations of 2%, 3% and 4% were carried out on days 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 of storage. The parameters observed were the number of bacteria (TPC) and the degree of acidity (pH), each carried out in duplicate. The research results showed that tilapia filets with 0%, 2%, 3%, and 4% salt cavendish banana skin fermentation solution had storage limits each of up to 6 days 19 hours, 7 days 2 hours, 8 days 8 hours, and 7 days 22 hours. Cavendish banana peel fermentation solution and the addition of 3% salt concentration is the best treatment with a Total Plate Count (TPC) value of 3.6 x 10<sup>6</sup> cfu/g and a pH value at the storage limit of 6.0, and can inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria to the limit. maximum storage 8 days 8 hours.</p> Mia widiastuti, Evi Liviawaty, Subiyanto Subiyanto (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 MANFISH JOURNAL Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Kajian Mutu dan Keamanan Pangan Tuna Loin Beku di Salah Satu Unit Pengolahan Ikan Kota Bitung <p>Kota Bitung merupakan salah satu sentra industri perikanan di Indonesia, utamanya produk olahan tuna seperti loin beku, <em>steak</em>, <em>cube</em>, saku, dan lainnya. Berkembangnya industri pengolahan ini membutuhkan perhatian dan pengendalian serius terhadap mutu dan keamanan pangan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui kajian mutu dan keamanan pangan produk tuna loin beku. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan bulan April – Mei 2024 bertempat di salah satu Unit Pengolahan Ikan (UPI) Kota Bitung, menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif pada pengamatan alur proses termasuk penerapan sanitasi dan <em>hygiene </em>dan pengujian mutu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 23 alur proses pengolahan tuna loin beku yang disesuaikan dengan SNI 4104:2015 dengan menerapkan program keamanan pangan melalui penerapan GMP dan SSOP. Penanganan secara cepat, cermat, dan saniter dalam menjaga rantai dingin dilakukan di setiap alur proses. Suhu pusat produk selalu dipastikan berada di bawah 4,4<sup>0</sup> C guna mencegah pertumbuhan mikroba. Hasil uji organoleptik pada bahan baku dan produk akhir telah memenuhi persyaratan yaitu 8 untuk bahan baku dan 9 untuk produk akhir. Cemaran mikroba pada bahan dan produk akhir telah memenuhi SNI 4104:2015. Histamin pada produk akhir sebesar 1,52 ppm masih berada pada batas aman, serta penerapan suhu produk, ruangan, dan media air telah sesuai standar. Rendemen yang dihasilkan pada saat <em>loinning, skinning, </em>dan<em> final trimming</em> yaitu 80,37%, 67,77%, dan 56,77%. UPI telah menerapkan pengendalian mutu sehingga produk tuna loin beku terjamin keamanan pangannya.</p> Fitroh Dwi Hariyoto, Itje Danti Wewengkang, Fidel Ticoalu, Nova Magdalena Tumanduk, Dessy Atika Natalia, Fernando Wowiling (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 MANFISH JOURNAL Thu, 07 Nov 2024 11:27:23 +0700 Efisiensi Probiotik Mina Pro dan Suplementasi Vitamin C Dalam Pakan Komersil Untuk Budidaya Intensif Ikan Lele (Clarias gariepinus) Fase Pendederan IV <p><em><span lang="EN-US">Catfish is a popular and widely consumed fishery commodity in Indonesia, offering promising prospects in terms of demand and selling price. The purpose of this study was to determine how efficient the use of Mina Pro probiotics and vitamin C supplementation in feed in intensive cultivation of catfish. This research was conducted at the Aquaculture Laboratory Building 4 Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Padjadjaran University, this research began in May to July 2024. The experimental design used the complete randomized design (CRD) method with 4 treatments (A: no added probiotics Mina Pro and vitamin C); (B: 6 ml/kg probiotics and 3 grams/kg vitamin C feed); (C: 8 ml/kg probiotics and 3 grams/kg vitamin C feed); (D: 10 ml/kg probiotics and 3 grams/kg vitamin C feed) and replicated four times. Parameters observed in this study were fish growth rate (length and weight), specific growth rate (SGR), daily growth rate, feed conversion ratio (FCR),survival rate, and water quality. Data analysis using analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the F test with a confidence level of 95%, if there is a significant difference between the treatments carried out then a further test is carried out, namely the Duncan test with a real test level of 5%. The results showed that treatment B showed the best results which had an average absolute length gain of 5.93 cm, then an average absolute weight gain of 15.54 grams, for specific growth rate (SGR) with a percentage of 3.01%, daily growth rate of 0.23 gr/day, then feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 0.127 ± 0.007, and survival rate with a percentage of 82%.</span></em></p> Muhammad Akbar Satria, Rita Rostika, Roffi Grandiosa, Irfan Zidni (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 MANFISH JOURNAL Mon, 11 Nov 2024 05:26:03 +0700 The Effect of Honey from Different Types of Bees on the Masculinization of Betta Fish (Betta sp.) <p>Betta fish (<em>Betta</em> sp.) is an ornamental fish that is in great demand by ornamental fish lovers. The characteristics and features of male Betta fish have a higher economic value than female Betta fish. One way to increase the number of male Betta fish to meet market demand is by masculinization. Fish masculinization strategies can be carried out by administering synthetic androgen hormones in the form of 17α-methyltestosterone (MT). Masculinization of fish using MT shows success in fish in increasing the number of male individuals compared to without hormone administration. The use of the synthetic hormone 17α-methyltestosterone has been prohibited in aquaculture activities because it is difficult to degrade naturally and has the potential to pollute the environment. Several other ingredients that can be used as alternatives to replace synthetic hormones are honey. This research uses honey from different types of bees with the aim of getting the best results for the percentage of male Betta fish in masculinization efforts. CRD research method (Completely Randomized Design) with 3 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments applied were T1 (<em>Apis cerana</em>), T2 (<em>Apis mellifera</em>), T3 (<em>Trigona</em> sp.). The best treatment was T3 (<em>Trigona</em> sp.) which had an effect and was very significantly different with a male percentage of 82,63 % followed by T2 (<em>Apis mellifera</em>) which had an effect and was not significantly different with a male percentage of 71,06 %, and T1 (<em>Apis cerana</em>) had an effect. and not significantly different from the male percentage of 64,45 %.</p> Haifar Amru Zein Al Hasan, Waluyo Waluyo, Tholibah Mujtahidah (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 MANFISH JOURNAL Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:47:06 +0700 Pengamatan Teknik Pengoperasian Alat Tangkap Rawai Tuna (Tuna Long Line) di KM.Mutiara 26 Perairan Samudera Hindia <p><span lang="EN-US">The tuna longline is a commonly used fishing gear among fishermen, especially in Benoa, Bali, for capturing large pelagic fish, primarily tuna, in offshore waters over an extended period. This study aims to identify the techniques for operating tuna longlines and to observe the handling process of the catch on the KM Mutiara 26 vessel. The research employs a qualitative descriptive analysis method. Findings indicate that the longline operation on KM Mutiara 26 involves preparatory steps followed by three operational phases: setting, soak time, and hauling. The fishing operations were conducted in the Indian Ocean at coordinates 30° – 32° South Latitude and 103° East Longitude. KM Mutiara 26 is a 122 GT fiberglass vessel powered by a 671 KW Cummins engine and equipped with 11 refrigerated holds. The vessel operates on a two-month cycle. The main catch species was southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii), with a total of 242 fish, while the lowest catch was albacore (Thunnus alalunga), with 24 fish. Fish handling involved a four-step process, and storage of the catch was carried out using a freezing method.</span></p> Lidya Katili, Heru Santoso, Elsari Tanjung Putri, ahijrah ramadhani, Rocky Geraldo Tolawo (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 MANFISH JOURNAL Sun, 17 Nov 2024 01:44:55 +0700 Karakteristik Mutu Kaki Naga Ikan Nila Dengan Substitusi Tepung Mocaf Sebagai Produk Diversifikasi <p><span lang="EN-US">Tilapia dragon feet are processed fish products that are currently developing. The combination of tilapia meat and mocaf flour can create dragon feet products with delicious taste, high nutrition, affordable price, and good for health. The purpose of this study was to describe the quality characteristics of tilapia dragon feet substituted with mocaf flour and to describe the best formulation of tilapia dragon feet with mocaf flour substitution. This study conducted an experiment using a one-factor completely randomized design (CRD) model with four levels. The factors tested were the substitution between tilapia meat and mocaf flour of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. The substitution was calculated from the total weight of 100% (meat + mocaf flour). Parametric analysis used the F test in Anova. Non-parametric analysis used the Kruskal-Wallis test. This study found that the physical test of dragon fish feet, which includes a bite test obtained a value ranging from 6.15 - 6.42 (scale 9), a folding test of 3.45 - 3.83 (scale 5), gel strength ranging from 232.17 - 245.38, water binding capacity ranging from 72.27% - 73.12%, and emulsion stability of 72.22% - 72.87%. The hedonic test of tilapia dragon fish feet which includes color obtained a value ranging from 6.21-7.39, aroma 7.89 - 7.81, texture 7.12 - 7.89, taste 6.95 - 7.66 and appearance 7.15 - 7.26. The chemical and microbiological quality characteristics of all dragon fish feet formulations still meet SNI quality standards. With physical quality characteristic specifications such as gel strength of 232.17 grams per centimeter, water binding capacity of 72.27%, and emulsion stability of 72.22%, formulation A1 is the best based on the panelists' preference level.</span></p> Belvi Vatria, Vivin Primadini, Rr. Puji Hastuti Kusumawati (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 MANFISH JOURNAL Tue, 26 Nov 2024 05:52:58 +0700 Analisis Pasang Surut Sungai Kapuas Kota Pontianak Menggunakan Metode Admiralty <p><span lang="EN-US">This study analyzes the tidal patterns in the Kapuas River, Pontianak, using the Admiralty Method to determine the type and characteristics of tides and their implications for flood management and navigation along the river channel. Based on harmonic analysis, the tides in the Kapuas River are classified as mixed, with a dominant semidiurnal component, resulting in two high and two low tides per day with varying heights. This tidal type potentially increases flood risk, particularly when peak tides coincide with high upstream discharge. This condition heightens the risk of river overflow, necessitating mitigation measures such as tidal monitoring and effective drainage planning. Additionally, tidal fluctuations impact the depth of the river channel, critical for navigation activities. At high tide, water depth increases, facilitating large vessel navigation, while at low tide, some channels may become shallow, hindering navigation. This study’s findings highlight the importance of integrating tidal predictions in coastal area management and river channel regulation in Pontianak to reduce flood risk and support safe navigation.</span></p> Hendi Santoso, Robin Saputra, Rizqan Khairan Munandar, Zan Zibar, Dodi Dodi (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 MANFISH JOURNAL Thu, 05 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Aplikasi Edible Coating Berbasis Limbah Tulang Ikan Patin Pada Produk Smoked Catfish Kabayaki <p><span lang="EN-US">The patin catfish process into smoked catfish kabayaki will produce organic wastes such as fishbones. One of the fish waste handling method is to process the waste into derivative product such as gelatin which can be utilized further as an edible coating precursor. The aim of the research was to analyze the effect of the application of fishbones waste-based edible coating on smoked catfish kabayaki product on organoleptic quality deterioration and shelf life of the product in refrigeration temperature, and the consumer preferences. Organoleptic quality deterioration was measured by descriptive analysis for 11 days of storage in refrigeration temperature. Costumer preferences was measured by hedonic test. The result shows that the application of edible coating on the product cause negative impacts on initial organoleptic quality and organoleptic quality deterioration rate of the product, especially on aroma and texture parameters. The recommended shelf life of the product was 6 days at most based on the organoleptic quality measured (all the parameters values were above 7). Hedonic test also showed negative impacts of edible coating application on all the measured parameters. Based on the results of the research, the application of fishbones waste-based edible coating on smoked catfish kabayaki product was determined to be ineffective and was not recommended in an effort to inhibit the organoleptic quality deterioration rate of the product during refrigeration temperature storage.</span></p> Leni Lasmi, Yudha Perdana Putra, Kristina Novalina Nainggolan (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 MANFISH JOURNAL Thu, 12 Dec 2024 10:50:17 +0700 Pengaruh Fase Bulan Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Bagan Apung di Perairan Kabupaten Bengkayang <p>Sumber daya ikan teri merupakan sumberdaya neritik, karena penyebarannya terutama adalah di perairan dekat pantai pada wilayah dimana terjadi proses penarikan masa air (<em>upwelling</em>). Di Perairan Kabupaten Bengkayang ikan teri ditangkap nelayan dengan menggunakan alat tangkap bagan apung. Alat bantu penagkapan ikan pada bagan apung menggunakan penerangan cahaya lampu. Fungsi lampu pada bagan adalah sebagai pemikat ikan teri untuk datang berkumpul pada lampu tersebut. Berkumpulnya ikan teri pada cahaya lampu dikarenakan ikan teri mempunyai sifat fhototaksi fositif. Penangkapan ikan dengan bantuan cahaya sangat dipengaruhi oleh fase bulan, posisi bulan, keadaan cuaca, kedalaman renang ikan dan kekuatan sumber cahaya yang digunakan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui determinasi dan komposisi hasil tangkapan bagan apung dan mengetahui pengaruh fase bulan terhadap hasil tangkapan bagan apung.Hasil penelitian menggabarkan fase bulan memiliki pengaruh yang mendekati signifikan terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan dengan nilai F = 3,377 dan nilai signifikansi p = 0,068. Meskipun tidak signifikan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%, fase bulan menunjukkan adanya variasi yang jelas pada hasil tangkapan, dengan fase bulan sabit terakhir menghasilkan tangkapan rata-rata tertinggi (153 kg), jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan fase lainnya (bulan baru 57.5 kg, sabit pertama39.5 dan bulan purnama75.5 kg).</p> Jumadi Sudarso, La Baharudin, Ahijrah Ramadhani (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 MANFISH JOURNAL Mon, 16 Dec 2024 11:58:27 +0700 Differences in Stocking Density on Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Performance in Floating Net Cages in the Mempawah River <p><span lang="EN-US">Tilapia cultivation using floating net cages is widely carried out by the Mempawah community. However, one of the problems often experienced by tilapia fish farmers in KJA is the low survival rate and growth rate, which will impact the success of cultivation. The alternative solution offered is to conduct research to determine stocking density. Determination of stocking density is essential so that space utilization becomes more. Therefore, this study aims to obtain the optimal stocking density that provides tilapia fish’s best growth rate and survival rate. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications, namely (A) stocking density of 30 fish/m<sup>3</sup>, (B) stocking density of 50 fish/m<sup>3</sup>, (C) stocking density of 70 fish/m<sup>3</sup>, and (D) stocking density of 90 fish/m<sup>3</sup>. The variables collected were survival rate, growth rate, and feed conversion. The analysis results showed that the stocking density of 50 fish/m<sup>3</sup> can provide the best growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and survival rate. </span></p> Sarmila Sarmila, Sri Warastuti, Farid Mudlofar, Hylda Khairah Putri, Susilawati Susilawati, Agus Setiawan (Author) Copyright (c) 2025 MANFISH JOURNAL Fri, 10 Jan 2025 09:14:54 +0700