The Influence of Accountant Professional Ethics Knowledge and Ethical Orientation on Accounting Students' Perceptions Regarding Creative Accounting
Purpose – The purpose of this research is to know the effect of ethical knowledge of the accounting profession and ethical orientation on accounting students' perceptions of creative accounting at Pontianak State Polytechnic.
Method – The research used is an associative quantitative research method and survey with a questionnaire method. The sample in this study were 60 D3 Financial Accounting students who had filled out the questionnaire and had taken the Financial Statement Analysis (ALK) course.
Result – The result showed there is a significant influence between Knowledge of Professional Ethics of Accountants on Accounting Students' Perceptions of Creative Accounting, there is no significant influence between Ethical Orientation on Accounting Students' Perceptions of Creative Accounting and There is a significant influence between Ethical Orientation on Accounting Students' Perceptions of Creative Accounting when tested simultaneously.
Implication – The implication of the study is the higher the knowledge of accounting profession ethics the accounting students will assume that creative accounting is an unethical act, Accounting students still have low ethical characteristics of relativism so that this will not affect a person's behavior as long as what is done does not violate norms and does not harm others.
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