Pengaruh Kebangkrutan Altman Z-Score terhadap Harga Saham
Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Pertambangan Logam dan Mineral Tahun 2018-2022
Purpose – The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the Altman z-score on stock prices in mining company's sub-sector metals and minerals in 2018-2022.
Method – The subject of this research is the value of the Altman z-score which has been calculated according to altman's own formula. the method used is an associative method using IBM SPSS application version 25. With a sample of mining companies Sub-sector metals and Minerals listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The Data will be tested with multiple linear regression using Partial Test (t-test).
Result – The result showing that altman's z-score affects the stock price.
Implication – Explaining that predicting companies bankruptcy needs to be done because it will affect the ups and downs of stock prices in a company.
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