Examining Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Higher Education: A Study of Existence in West Kalimantan
Purpose – This research underscores the pivotal role of student awareness and perception in shaping the entrepreneurial ecosystem within higher education institutions. It offers valuable insights into the dynamics of entrepreneurship in educational settings and provides guidance on creating supportive environments that encourage entrepreneurship among students.
Method – The data analysis in the research proposal employs a structured approach using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to generate robust results. PLS-SEM is chosen for its suitability with models featuring collinear factors. The analysis consists of two components: the measurement model, assessing relationships between constructs and indicators, and the structural model, examining connections between independent and dependent variables. The analysis includes considerations like internal consistency, convergent validity, discriminant validity, collinearity, path coefficient significance, R2 values, effect size, and predictive relevance. Hypotheses are tested using significance testing with t-values and p-values, and additional hypotheses undergo bootstrapping computations of PLS-SEM path coefficients. This holistic approach ensures statistically sound results directly aligned with research objectives, effectively addressing the research question.
Result –This research explores the factors that contribute to the entrepreneurial ecosystem within higher education institutions, focusing on West Kalimantan. It reveals that student awareness and perception of entrepreneurship significantly impact the growth and sustainability of this ecosystem. The study emphasizes the importance of student-driven efforts in fostering entrepreneurship. Faculty involvement is less significant than student awareness and perception, suggesting a student-centered approach to entrepreneurship education. The availability of resources and support, as well as student participation in collective entrepreneurial activities, also positively impact student awareness and perception of entrepreneurship. Institutions should consider providing these resources and opportunities to foster a more entrepreneurial-friendly environment. However, a counterintuitive discovery emerged regarding asset development strategies' impact on student awareness and perception. The research suggests that an exclusive focus on asset development for startups may not significantly influence student awareness and perception.
Implication –The implications of these findings are significant, emphasizing the need for initiatives aimed at increasing student awareness and positive perceptions of entrepreneurship. Institutions should reevaluate faculty roles and prioritize student-driven endeavors that promote entrepreneurship. A tailored approach to entrepreneurship education and ecosystem development is crucial, considering the unique needs and preferences of students and being adapted to the local context.
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