Analisis Tingkat Brand Awareness Masyarakat Sukoharjo terhadap Produk Multivitamin Renovit pada PT Konimex

  • Yuliana Sinta Saputri Fakultas Ekonomi, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Surakarta
  • Aditya Liliyan Fakultas Ekonomi, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Surakarta
Keywords: Top of Mind, Brand Recall, Brand Recognition, Unaware of Brand, Brand Awareness


The studies are meant to determine whether the logo of this multivitamin product has end up pinnacle of mind and to diploma emblem attention, in particular for the people of Sukoharjo who depend on top of mind, logo recall, brand recognition and unaware of the brand. at some stage in the present day corona virus pandemic, multivitamins are predicted to offer correct vitamins for the frame to be proof in opposition to infection and ailment. PT Konimex gives you first-rate C nutrients merchandise to assist hold man or woman health and immunity. on this observe using descriptive analysis, wherein the populace used is the Sukoharjo community group. The sample data used in this take a look at were 100 respondents. The studies technique used is a non-chance sampling method, particularly comfort sampling. resources of information used are number one records and secondary information in which we get the data from people and unique occasions which have been further processed. The purpose that may be advocate by the writer on this take a look at is to measure how high the brand cognizance of shoppers, mainly the Sukoharjo community, as the concern of multivitamin merchandise and with the aid of way of maintaining a top of mind stage.


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How to Cite
Saputri, Y. S., & Liliyan, A. (2022). Analisis Tingkat Brand Awareness Masyarakat Sukoharjo terhadap Produk Multivitamin Renovit pada PT Konimex. Eksos, 18(1), 23-41.