RETENSI <p><strong>JURNAL RETENSI </strong>merupakan Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik Sipil yang akan terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan <strong>Juni&nbsp;</strong>dan <strong>Desember</strong>. Jurnal Retensi diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Pontianak Kalimantan Barat. Redaksi akan menerima sumbangan artikel ilmiah dari para peneliti, pendidikan dan pemerhati masalah-masalah atau <em><strong>&nbsp;focus&nbsp;and&nbsp;scope&nbsp;</strong></em>dibidang Rekayasa Teknik Sipil seperti struktur, jalan raya, jembatan, transportasi, geoteknik, manajemen kontruksi, dan material dan bahan bangunan.&nbsp;Jurnal dapat diakses melalui&nbsp;;</p> Jurusan Teknik Sipil Polnep en-US RETENSI 2775-0655 PERENCANAAN STRUKTUR GEDUNG APARTEMEN 5 LANTAI PADA JALAN MAJOR ALIANYANG, KABUPATEN KUBU RAYA (STRUCTURAL PLANNING OF A 5-STORY APARTMENT BUILDING ON MAJOR ALIANYANG STREET, KUBU RAYA REGENCY) <p><span class="fontstyle0">The development of apartments is very suitable for the millennial lifestyle, which heavily relies on technology,<br>comfort, and compact yet functional home design, especially due to the economic growth of society and the<br>surge in productive age and millennials. These apartments are planned in Kubu Raya Regency. The structural<br>design is one of the most crucial elements of building planning; reinforced concrete will be used in the<br>building's construction.. The building structure consists of Roof Slab, Floor Slab, Beams, Columns, and<br>Foundation. This apartment structure has five levels, each measuring four meters in height.. This apartment<br>building is designed to withstand earthquakes and is located on Major Alianyang Street, Kubu Raya Regency,<br>West Kalimantan Province. Earthquake planning uses response spectrum according to SNI 1726-1029. Load<br>calculations are in accordance with SNI1727-2020 and PPURG 1987. The requirements for structural<br>concrete of the building are according to SNI 2837-2019, and the chosen calculation method for this building<br>is the Medium Moment Resisting Frame System (SRPMM). From the calculation results, the thickness of the<br>roof slab and floor slab is 13 cm; sloof beam with dimensions of 35 cm x 70 cm; main beam with dimensions<br>of 30 cm x 60 cm; secondary beam 1 with a thickness of 20 cm x 40 cm; secondary beam 2 with a thickness of<br>30 cm x 15 cm; column with dimensions of 70 cm x 70 cm; shear wall with a thickness of 30 cm; pilecap<br>foundation size is 350 cm x 350 cm x 700 cm, while the dimensions of the minipile are 40 cm x 40 cm.<br></span><span class="fontstyle2">Keywords: </span><span class="fontstyle0">Reinforced Concrete Structure, Structural Planning, 5-story Building</span></p> Hari Ramadana Putra irene Anggraini ayub Konstatinus Muhammad Rizky Priandra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 4 1 1 8 PERENCANAAN STRUKTUR BETON BERTULANG TAHAN GEMPA GEDUNG HOTEL SOLUNA 4 LANTAI DI JALAN PARIT H. HUSIN II KOTA PONTIANAK <p><span class="fontstyle0">Dominated by trade and services, there will be many entrepreneur from local and abroad so that infrastructure<br>such as hotels is suitable to use as a place to stay or as a meeting room for entrepreneur. Along with the times,<br>building planning must also meet earthquake-resistant requirements and hence </span><span class="fontstyle2">SNI 03-1726-2002 </span><span class="fontstyle0">concerning<br>Earthquake Resistance Planning Standards for Building Structures was made. Earthquake Resistant 4-Storey<br>Soluna Hotel Building on Parit H. Husin II street, Pontianak City with a height of 22.5 meters from the ground,<br>reinforced concrete structure. The Medium Moment Bearing Frame System (SRPMM) is used in the calculation<br>of this building because the results of the Standard Penetration Test show that the building is erected on a soil<br>with soft conditions (site class SE) and is included in the Seismic Design category (KDS) C. In this method, the<br>Double System Method is used as the main structural system combined with shear walls. Earthquake load<br>planning uses the 2017 Indonesian Earthquake Map by utilizing the response spectrum method in accordance<br>with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 1726-2019. The load calculation method used follows the Indonesian<br>National Standard (SNI) 1727-2020 and the Planning and Loading Guidelines for Building Houses (PPPURG)<br>1987, the need for structural concrete in building construction must meet the standards set out in SNI 2847-2019.<br>The calculation results obtained the size of 1 type of plate 12 cm; 2 types of beams 37.5/55 cm, 30/40 cm; 1 type<br>of column 55/55 cm; staircase and balcony plates 12 cm, 3 types of foundations P3 250 x 250 x 70 cm - pile 9D30<br>cm; P2 250 x 170 x 70 cm - pile 6D30 cm; P1 170 x 170 x 50 cm - pile 4D30 cm.<br></span><span class="fontstyle3">Keywords: Reinforced concrete structure, Hotel, Earthquake resistant, Spectrum response, Dual system</span></p> fajlur Islamiawan rasiwan rasiwan Rona Ariansyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 4 1 9 16 TINJAUAN PERENCANAAN MANAJEMEN KONSTRUKSI PADA PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG REHABILITASI NAPZA KOTA PONTIANAK <p><span class="fontstyle0">When carrying out a construction project activity, a construction management system is needed. Construction<br>Management includes management of project cost control (RAB), time (Schedule), human resources (HR),<br>project occupational health safety management (SMK3L) and risk classification and control. Project<br>implementation control must be carried out from the beginning of the work until the project work is completed<br>so that construction management must be by the implementation. The results of the review of construction<br>management planning for the construction of the NAPZA building were dominant in the implementation phase,<br>especially in time control where the project construction process which was originally planned for 148 days<br>or approximately 22 weeks became 24 weeks. This resulted in the problem of processing time where the target<br>was not achieved and resulted in delayed project work. Project implementation control must be carried out<br>from the start of work until the project is declared complete so that during the project development process<br>unwanted problems can be avoided. The construction management that will be applied to the NAPZA building<br>can make the project run well and according to the desired schedule.<br></span></p> Andini Febriski Fajar sarah Febrina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 4 1 17 24 Manajemen dan Rekayasa Lalu Lintas Terhadap Dua Simpang Bersinyal Yang Berdekatan (Studi Kasus Simpang Empat Jalan KH.A Dahlan – Jalan Karimata – Jalan Johar dan Simpang Tiga Jalan KH.A Dahlan – Jalan Alianyang – Jalan KHW. Hasyim) Pontianak <p><em>The number of intersections with adjacent intersections in Pontianak City raises its own problems, one of which is the signalized intersection on Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan Pontianak. The short - term strategy to overcome these problems is traffic management and engineering to improve traffic flow based on field condition evaluation . Data collection was carried out by means of direct surveys at both intersections. The data obtained is used to obtain the existing conditions which will be a reference in planning a new cycle time by taking into account the coordination theory. Meanwhile, in calculating to get the best performance at each intersection, it is done using the MKJI approach. The best performance at each intersection is then coordinated using the green time between intersections. The results of the analysis of the performance of the existing conditions show that the degree of saturation is DS = 0.86 for signalized intersection 4 and DS = 0.68 for signalized intersection 3 which are not too different from what MKJI requires, DS = 0.75 , but it is not comfortable and safe to go through. From the queue length (QL) at the four intersection of 288 meters &gt; the distance between the intersections which is 200 meters apart, and also from the delay time (DQ) of 66.03 seconds &gt; from the green cycle time of 25 seconds, After knowing the performance of the existing intersection, then create a new cycle time planning for both intersections. The new cycle time with the best performance will be used to coordinate the two intersections. Selection of the best cycle time by comparing the values ​​of the degree of saturation (DS), the length of the queue (QL), and the delay (Delay) from several alternatives that were carried out. From the results of the study, a new cycle time of 95 seconds was obtained. The offset time used is 36 seconds, and the bandwidth from East to West and from West to East is 16 seconds. With the new cycle time the performance values ​​of the two intersections get better because the average delay and queue length decrease, for intersection 4 (DS = 0.76; QL = 136 m; DQ = 67 seconds) and intersection 3 (DS = 0, 67; QL = 94.5 m ; DQ = 65.37 seconds),</em></p> nernwani nernawani Etty Rabihati rika riyanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 4 1 25 34 PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN BASALT FIBER PADA SIFAT MEKANIS BETON GEOPOLIMER DENGAN KOH SEBAGAI ALKALI AKTIVATOR <p><span class="fontstyle0">Concrete is the most important material in building construction, including bridges, piers and buildings.<br>Concrete is the main raw material in construction nowadays, where wooden construction is starting to be<br>abandoned<br>This research aims to evaluate the effect of using basalt fiber on the mechanical properties of geopolymer<br>concrete using KOH as an alkali activator. Geopolymer concrete is an environmentally friendly alternative<br>construction material, which replaces the use of portland cement with a geopolymeric binder. The addition of<br>basalt fiber is expected to improve the mechanical properties of geopolymer concrete, namely its compressive<br>strength.<br>Stages of this research method involve making geopolymer concrete samples with varying compositions,<br>including varying the concentration of KOH as the alkali activator and the percentage of basalt fiber added.<br>These samples will be tested to evaluate their mechanical properties, namely compressive strength, and other<br>physical properties. It is hoped that this research will result in a better understanding of the influence of the<br>use of basalt fiber on the mechanical properties of geopolymer concrete. It is hoped that the results of this<br>research can become a basis for the construction industry to improve the performance of geopolymer concrete<br>by using basalt fiber as reinforcement. Apart from that, this research will also provide new insights into the use<br>of KOH as an alkali activator in geopolymer concrete. Currently, TKT in research has a value of 1, namely<br>formulating a geopolymer concrete mix design concept and the final target of the results of this research is to<br>demonstrate scientific feasibility through analytical and laboratory studies, proof of concept and geopolymer<br>concrete products that meet construction material standards.<br></span><span class="fontstyle2">Keywords: </span><span class="fontstyle0">geopolymer concrete, basalt fiber, compressive strength, KOH, alkali activator.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> ayub Konstatinus Moambura wandi Rusfiandi nernawani nernawani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 4 1 35 40 PENATAAN SARANA DAN PRASARANA KAWASAN PEMUKIMAN JALAN HIDAYAT DUSUN MERPATI DESA SUNGAI KAKAP <p><span class="fontstyle0">Many factors encourage the formation of a slum area, especially those in the Sungai Kakap area, Kubu Raya<br>Regency, West Kalimantan. Apart form the geographical location, most slum areas are also caused by<br>inadequate facilities and infrastructure. A slum environment is defined as an environment that is not feasible<br>or not in accordance with spatial planning. The government’s limitations in providing and facilitating<br>facilities and infrastructure make people choose their own alternatives to maintain their lives. The purpose<br>and benefit of writing this research is as a medium for channeling the aspirations of the community about<br>facilities and infrastructure that are still not well realized, so that the are becomes a healthy, comfortable and<br>beautiful area. In conducting research, data such as primary and secondary data are required. Primary data<br>is obtained form surveys or observations made by the author directly in the field, while secondary data is<br>obtained through local government agencies or institutions. The results of this research area in the form of<br>structuring road network infrastructure, structuring a clean water network using a 5 m</span><span class="fontstyle0">3 </span><span class="fontstyle0">water tank for a<br>population 13000 people in the next ten years, structuring waste network infrastructure by calculating the<br>volume of community waste, the number of TPS needs and transporting waste using carts in the area under<br>study.</span></p> Siti Abnur Kamala Miftahul Jannah ahmad muhtadi Indah Anjar Resky ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 4 1 41 47