Journal Systems<p><strong>RETENSI </strong>merupakan Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik Sipil yang akan terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan <strong>Juni </strong>dan <strong>Desember</strong>. Jurnal Retensi diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Pontianak Kalimantan Barat. Redaksi akan menerima sumbangan artikel ilmiah dari para peneliti, pendidikan dan pemerhati masalah-masalah atau <em><strong> focus and scope </strong></em>dibidang Rekayasa Teknik Sipil seperti struktur, jalan raya, jembatan, transportasi, geoteknik, manajemen kontruksi, dan material dan bahan bangunan. Jurnal dapat diakses melalui </p> MANAJEMEN STRUKTUR PADA BANGUNAN GEDUNG 5 LANTAI SEKOLAH SD/SMP KRISTEN IMMANUEL KABUPATEN KUBU RAYA2024-07-20T14:26:31+07:00Sucy Syahwalitya Fahdilasucyfahdila@gmail.comsafitri Eka Pratamisafitriekaaa06@gmail.comsyafriadi Syafriadisyafri_bj@yahoo.comIkhwan Arief<p><em>Improving school building facilities and infrastructure is very necessary because of the rapid development in the world of education. Building planning is very influential because it will produce a building that meets the requirements of being sturdy, economical and aesthetic in order to avoid damage to the building. Construction management is a very appropriate solution for planning the needs of cost, quality, time, and human resources as well as Occupational Safety and Health (K3). In planning the management of the Immanuel Elementary/Junior High School Building, Kubu Raya Regency, an analysis of the working drawings used as the object of management planning is carried out first. So that a job description is obtained from the work drawing to analyze cost management, quality management, time management by making a Network Planning using the Critical Path Method (CPM), human resource management, and occupational health safety management. In this write, the author uses data sources in the form of primary data and secondary data.</em> <em>Primary data is in the form of working drawings and field documentation, while secondary data is in the form of 2020 Unit Price Analysis (AHS), work plans and requirements (RKS), laws/government regulations, and literature. Based on the processed data, the final results include the Draft Budget (RAB) of Rp. 13,751,000,000 , the duration of the work is 228 days, project quality management is made an analysis of the quantity of work in which there are specifications for each job in detail and in accordance with existing guidelines and in accordance with standards, Human Resources (HR) results in the highest number of workers a lot for reinforcement work as many as 88 people and at least on the work of installing bolts and anchors, installing 12mm plates and installing 16mm plates on the roof as many as 2 people. Occupational Health and Safety (K3) is the result of risk control and the need for personal protective equipment that is in accordance with standards and needs.</em></p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MANAJEMEN KONSTRUKSI PADA PEMBANGUNAN STRUKTUR BUNKER GEDUNG RADIOTERAPI RSUD Dr. SOEDARSO KOTA PONTIANAK2024-07-20T17:06:08+07:00Aura Febri Gustianti Kurniaaurafebrigstntik@gmail.comM Abduhabduh@yahoo.comida<p><em>The construction of the Bunker in the Radiotherapy Building is a project built with specific requirements, particularly in its Construction Management. To achieve the intended goals, it is essential to have a good management plan to ensure that the project construction yields effective, efficient, and economical results. In the Final Project, the author focuses on five elements of construction management; Cost : which deals with the calculation of the Implementation Budget Plan. </em><em>Time ; </em><em> Addressing the creation of a Network Planning using the Critical Path Method and a Time Schedule. Quality: Developing a standard quality control table. Health, Safety, and Environment: Establishing the classification and control of accident risks, determining Personal Protective Equipment, and specifying Safety and Health Work Procedures. The result of this Final Project is that the author can make Cost Management Planning, namely RAP with a cost of Rp. 7,741,778,071.76-. Time Management Planning includes a Time Schedule and NWP using the CPM, resulting in a duration of 11 weeks or 79 days. For Human Resource Management Planning, a total of 108 workers are required for all work items. Quality Management Planning is based on the quality (Qc) and quantity (Qa). Occupational Health and Safety Management System planning involves identifying hazards and controlling risks. The requirement for Personal Protective Equipment and Personal Protective Work Equipment can be determined based on hazard identification and risk assessment.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> M<em>anagement Construction, Cost, Time, Human Resources, Quality, and Occupational Health and Safety.</em></p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Kuswandari, Feby Khairunisa PERENCANAAN MANAJEMEN KONSTRUKSI PADA PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG 5 LANTAI DI JALAN HOS COKROAMINOTO KOTA PONTIANAK2024-07-20T17:35:16+07:00Feby Kuswandariariwandari01@gmail.comsatriyo Utomosatriyout88@gmail.comHartanto Wahyu<p><em>Building planning is very influential because it will produce a building that meets the requirements of being sturdy, economical and aesthetic in order to avoid building damage. Construction management is a very appropriate solution for planning cost, quality, time, and Human Resources (HR) as well as Occupational Safety and Health (K3) requirements. In management planning for a 5-storey shop building in Pontianak City, an analysis of the working drawings used as the object of management planning is carried out. So that job descriptions are obtained from working drawings to analyze cost management, quality management, time management by making a Time Schedule and S Curve, human resource management, and occupational health safety. In writing this Final Project the writer uses data sources in the form of primary data and secondary data. Based on the processed data, the final results include a Budget Plan (RAB) of Rp. 2,585,448,000, the duration of the work was 24 weeks or 144 days, the project quality management made a quality checklist recapitulation in accordance with the standards, Human Resources (HR) obtained the results of the highest number of workers in the floor plate reinforcement work as many as 41 workers. Occupational Safety and Health (K3) obtained the results of risk control and the need for personal protective equipment that is in accordance with standards and requirements.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Cost, K3, Quality, Worker, Time</em></p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ANGGARAN BIAYA PEMBANGUNAN PUSKESMAS 2 LANTAI KECAMATAN BOYAN TANJUNG KABUPATEN KAPUAS HULU2024-07-21T01:08:51+07:00Sumarni Sumarni Sumarnisumarnitppp@gmail.comHeni Karlinahenikarlinaheni@gmail.comIin Ariantiiinarianti@gmail.comRika<h1><em>ABSTRACT</em></h1> <p>The construction of a 2-story health center in Boyan Tanjung District, Kapuas Hulu Regency is a strategy implemented in managing the process of building health facilities. This journal involves project management for the construction of a 2-story health center in Boyan Tanjung District.</p> <p>When planning construction management this project will produce work volume calculations, cost budget plans (RAB), bar charts, S curves, labor requirements tables, identification of potential hazards, personal protective equipment determination tables. As well as using appropriate and effective construction methods to encourage successful implementation. Judging from the methods used, namely secondary data in the form of work drawings, analysis of unit prices for work according to government regulations and housing prices, wages and materials according to mayoral regulations, and literature in the form of books and journals. The results of the planning method above, obtained a budget plan of Rp. 5,561,427,000.00, project work time plan for 14 weeks based on the S curve or ±98 calendar days, contains quality specifications and how to carry out each job as well as the tools and materials used, the maximum workforce required is 33 people, identification of potential hazards shows the level value severity and frequency of work accidents and requires a work safety plan cost of Rp. 45,968,250.00.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <em>planning, management, project, construction, effectiv</em></p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MANAJEMEN KONSTRUKSI PADA PEMBANGUNAN RUMAH SUSUN SEDERHANA SEWA 4 LANTAI DI JALAN TANJUNG PURA KOTA PONTIANAK2024-07-21T01:49:26+07:00Kriyansyah Sribuartiksribuarti@gmail.comMeliana Melianasusana.meliana25@gmail.comPramudya Kurniawan Kurniawanpr4mudy4@gmail.comImanuel Kemenangenta<p>Pertambahan penduduk di Kota Pontianak yang semakin pesat, sedangkan lahan yang tersedia semakin terbatas mengakibatkan perumahan dan pemukiman penduduk menjadi padat dan sempit bahkan tergolong kumuh. Oleh karena itu, dianggap perlu adanya pembangunan rumah susun sederhana sewa dengan sasaran penghuninya yaitu masyarakat berpenghasilan menengah ke bawah di daerah tersebut yaitu di Jalan Tanjung Pura Kota Pontianak. Manajemen konstruksi menjadi solusi yang tepat dalam perencanaan pembangunan rumah susun sederhana sewa. Adapun data-data yang dikumpulkan antara lain data primer berupa observasi lapangan (luasan lahan) dan dokumentasi lapangan (foto) dan data sekunder yang berupa gambar rencana kerja, harga upah dan bahan (basic price) Kota Pontianak tahun 2022, AHSP berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah PUPR tahun 2022 dan literatur berupa buku dan e-book. Terdapat 5 aspek manajemen konstruksi yang akan dibahas yaitu manajemen biaya, manajemen waktu, manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), manajemen mutu, dan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3). Didapatkanlah hasil Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB), rekapitulasi RAB, time schedule (kurva S dan bar chart), network planning dengan metode CPM, kebutuhan tenaga kerja, Spesifikasi mutu bahan dan alat, Rencana Kerja dan Syarat-syarat (RKS), kebutuhan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) dan Alat Pelindung Kerja (APK), identifikasi risiko kecelakaan, dan biaya Rencana Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Kontrak (RK3K). Hasil dari perencanaan manajemen konstruksi telah didapatkan Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) sebesar Rp.21.308.817.000,00, rencana durasi waktu pekerjaan selesai selama 6 bulan berdasarkan time schedule atau 199 hari berdasarkan CPM, spesifikasi mutu dan Rencana Kerja dan Syarat-syarat (RKS) menggunakan persyaratan umum berdasarkan data spesifikasi gambar rencana serta peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku, sumber daya manusia mendapatkan kebutuhan tenaga kerja terbanyak sebesar 48 orang, dan mendapatkan APD dan APK serta menghitung biaya RK3K sebesar Rp.77.984.000,00. </p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MANAGEMENT PLAN OF 4-FLOOR JOINT OFFICE BUILDING IN SEPAKAT II STREET, PONTIANAK CITY2024-07-21T02:10:24+07:00muhammad d zuhridzuhri.doang68@gmail.comRoy JuliawanRoyjuliawan789@gmail.comsatriyo Utomosatriyout88@gmail.comIndah Anjar<p><em>This Final Project is a construction management planning that includes 5 aspects, namely starting from Cost Management, Time, Human Resources, Quality, and K3. This Final Project aims to enable the author to explore and understand more about the aspects of construction management planning. Construction management itself is a science that studies and practices the managerial and technological aspects of the construction industry. Construction management can also be interpreted as a business model carried out by construction consultants in providing advice and assistance in a development project. The planning method for construction management starts from collecting data on specifications, analyzing the unit price of work, and also based on the Regulation of the Minister of PUPR in 2022 to the instructions for implementing K3 in construction. Then the results of management planning can be concluded that the required cost budget, the duration of time used during construction, the number of workers involved in the construction project, the quality that ensures the quality of construction, and the prevention of potential hazards as a priority for Occupational Safety and Health.</em></p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## AMPHITEATER OUTDOOR PADA KEGIATAN MASTPLAN MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI AUTOCAD 2 D DAN SKETCHUP 3 D2024-10-30T15:35:39+07:00Misdar dar alamsyahalamsyahmisdar@gmail.comMohd<p>Amphiteater<em> outdoor</em> merupakan suatu bentuk ruang pertunjukan yang secara khusus dirancang untuk acara-acara seni dan budaya di alam terbuka<strong>. </strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain Amphiteater <em>Outdoor</em> menggunakan aplikasi atau perangkat lunak <em>autocad</em> dan <em>sketchup</em>. Manfaat penelitian ini untuk melatih keahlian mendesain denah menggunakan aplikasi <em>autocad</em> (2D) dan modeling menggunakan <em>sketchup</em> (3D). Hasil penelitian merupakan aplikasi atau perangkat lunak <em>autocad </em>dan <em>sketchup</em> merupakan aplikasi yang biasanya digunakan perencana untuk menggambar 2D dan 3D karena aplikasi ini mudah digunakan dan gampang di pahami.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong><strong>Amphiteater <em>Outdoor</em>, <em>Autocad </em>2D, <em>Sketchup</em> 3D</strong></p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MANAJEMEN KONSTRUKSI PEMBANGUNAN HOTEL DESA SELUAS KECAMATAN SELUAS KABUPATEN BENGKAYANG2024-07-21T02:53:36+07:00Nur Aisyahnraisyah724@gmail.comPutri Putriputrirealmi@gmail.comzeldi muhardizeldimuhardi@gmail.comRahayu<p><em>Improving the facilities and infrastructure of the Village Hotel Building in the Se Wide District of Bengkayang Regency is very necessary because the construction of this building will greatly influence the activities in the Village Hotel Building in the Se Wide Subdistrict of Bengkayang Regency. This building planning is very influential because it will produce a building that meets sturdy, economical and aesthetic requirements in order to plan costs, time, quality, human resources and occupational safety and health (K3) requirements. In the management planning for the Hotel Building in the Selebar Village, Selebar Subdistrict, Bengkayang Regency, an analysis of the working drawings used for the management planning object was carried out first. So that job descriptions are obtained from working drawings to plan cost management, time management, quality management, human resource management using direct costs, and occupational health and safety (K3). In writing this final assignment the author used primary data and secondary data. Based on the data that the author has obtained, the final results include a planned cost budget (RAB), amounting to Rp. 15,555,978,000.00, work duration is 184 calendar days, quality management is made using a quality checklist table that is in accordance with standards, human resources (HR) are obtained for foundation reinforcement work. K3 results show that risk control and the need for personal protective equipment are in accordance with standards and needs.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: RAB, time, quality, human resources, K3</em></p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MANAJEMEN KONSTRUKSI PADA BANGUNAN GEDUNG ASRAMA MAHASISWI KABUPATEN LANDAK 4 LANTAI DI JALAN UJUNG PANDANG 1 KOTA PONTIANAK2024-07-21T12:58:04+07:00Annisa Nurul Okta Hardianinurulanisaptk@gmail.comLa Resha Iffanandalareshaiffanandaa@gmail.comASMADI Asmadiasmadiptk25@gmail.comEva<p><em>Construction infrastructure development in West Kalimantan Province is carried out every year in order to achieve community welfare. One example is building a hostel building. Dormitory is a building that is used to accommodate students from within or outside the area. To fulfill the facilities and amenities for Landak Regency female students, it is necessary to build a dormitory carried out by the Landak Regency Government.</em></p> <p><em>Construction management is the right solution in planning a dormitory building. The data collected included primary data in the form of field observations (land area) and field documentation (photos) and secondary data in the form of working drawings, basic prices for 2022 Pontianak City, AHSP based on PUPR Government Regulations 2022 and literature in the form of books and e-books. There are 5 aspects of construction management that will be discussed, namely project cost management, project quality management, project time management, project human resource management (HR) and project occupational safety and health (K3) management. Obtain volume calculations, budget plan (RAB), recapitulation of RAB, work plans and requirements (RKS), S curve, Network Planning using the CPM method, workforce requirements, identification of OHS risks, risk control hierarchy and RK3K costs.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the planning have obtained a budget plan of Rp. </em>10.301.793.000,00<em>, the planned duration of time for work to be completed is 210 calendar days or 7 months based on the S curve, project quality uses general requirements based on planned drawing specification data, human resources get manpower requirements the most workers were 78 people and got the APD and APK requirements and calculated the cost of the contract work safety and health plan (RK3K) of IDR </em>33. 867.000,00<em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> student dormitory, planning, construction management.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## RUANG DAN STRUKTUR GEDUNG FKIP UNIVERSITAS NAHDLATUL ULAMA PONTIANAK 4 LANTAI DENGAN KONSTRUKSI BETON BERTULANG DI KUBU RAYA2024-07-21T13:19:33+07:00Livia Dekayasa<p>Luas bangunan gedung FKIP Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama sebesar 979 m2<br>, dan hanya memiliki 2 lantai <br>dengan kapasitas 840 mahasiswa dan 45 pengajar ( Gedung FKIP Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama <br>tidak memiliki lahan parkir serta aula untuk menunjang kegiatan mahasiswa. Terlebih jumlah mahasiswa yang <br>terus bertambah yang membuat kebutuhan ruang-ruang pada bangunan FKIP Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama juga <br>bertambah. Perancangan struktur yang baik dan aman demi menunjang banyaknya aktivitas yang semakin <br>bertambah.<br>Perancangan gedung ini terdiri dari 4 lantai dengan luas bangunan 1291,29 m2<br>. Gedung ini akan didirikan <br>di atas kondisi tanah lunak (kelas situs SE), dengan kategori (KDS) D, perhitungan gedung ini menggunakan <br>Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK).<br>Hasil perhitungan pelat lantai mendapatkan satu jenis pelat ukuran 12 cm dengan tulangan D10-150 mm <br>untuk lantai 1 s/d 4. Dimensi struktur balok induk 40 cm x 80 cm dengan tulangan pokok D22. Dimensi struktur <br>balok anak 35cm x 50 cm dengan tulangan pokok D19. Struktur kolom menggunakan dimensi 60 cm x 60 cm dan <br>50 cm x 50 cm dengan tulangan pokok D22. Struktur pondasi menggunakan pondasi tiang pancang dengan <br>dimensi tiang 30 cm x 30 cm dan tulangan terpasang D19-150 mm.<br><br></p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##