ed mud (RM) is waste from a series of bauxite mining processes, with the amount of RM produced
around 1.2 – 1.4 tons for every 1 tonne of alumina produced. RM has chemical properties that are quite
dangerous because in addition to containing a lot of non-degradable metals, it also contains a strong base with
a pH of around 13-14. If released in its original condition, RM is very dangerous because it could cause water
and soil pollution in the mining environment and could cause disease in humans. All the time, the handling of
RM is by making tailing dam or piling up the subsoil of the highway in the area around the mine which costs a
lot of money to restore the pH close to neutral before use because the requirement to be released into the
environment around the allowable pH value is a minimum of 9. Therefore, in this study, the author uses a
solution, namely by utilizing the biological activity of probiotic bacteria microorganisms, it could live in an
alkaline environment and are safe for humans and environmentally friendly. By mixing RM with activated
probiotic bacteria which will be carried out direct observation of the sample and measuring the pH value. With
a total sample of 27 samples based on variations in the number of active probiotic bacteria mixed and the
incubation time of bacteria, the results showed that the more active probiotic bacteria were mixed into the RM
and the longer the incubation time of the bacteria, the pH indicator showed close to neutral, namely 8-9. It is
also supported by direct observations based on shape, color, smell and touch, showing that the harmful
chemical properties of RM are decreasing.
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Copyright (c) 2021 lelly marini, susi Hariyani, irene Anggraini

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