Membangun Jiwa Sociopreneurship Masyarakat Desa Rasau Jaya 2 Berbasis E-Marketing Sebagai Media Pemasaran Produk Hasil Pertanian


Rasau Jaya 2 is a village in the Rasau Jaya District which has a variety of agricultural products. Agricultural products include coconut, hybrid coconut, oil palm, biopharmaceutical crops, fruits and vegetables. The purpose of this activity is to help the community of Rasau Jaya 2 Village market their agricultural products based on e-marketting. The method used is to provide training for the youth of Rasau Jaya 2 Village with e-marketting based marketing. The result of the training is that all participants are satisfied with the online-based product marketing training.

Keywords: Sociopreneurship, Rasau Jaya 2 Village, E-Marketing, Product Marketing Media, Agricultural Products

Author Biography

Ichsan Ichsan, Politeknik Negeri Pontianak
How to Cite
Ichsan, I., Sesario, R., Radiansah, D., Marjani, A., Candra, T., & Fajar, N. (2020). Membangun Jiwa Sociopreneurship Masyarakat Desa Rasau Jaya 2 Berbasis E-Marketing Sebagai Media Pemasaran Produk Hasil Pertanian. Kapuas, 1(1).